A long time ago, when my bank offered me credit cards, by forcing them onto me, sending them to my home without my agreement, I asked a friend if I should keep them, or cut them up. I don’t earn a lot, and my income is extremely erratic, you see. My friend, who works in […]
Shopping Online, Shopping More
After a break of shopping online, I have gone on yet another spree. It’s weird how I shop. I usually would make a list, and then just scour the web, usually auction and deals or coupon sites for the items that are on my list. I would prefer to have the luxury of time to […]
Lightning Strike
My friend, W, who moonlights as a guitarist in a local club at night, suffered a monetary loss that day, when there was a massive thunderstorm and lighting struck his amplifier. When he told me about it, I was surprised as my friend has the practice of unplugging all cables during a thunderstorm. But according […]
Free 30 Minutes Of Internet Use
Beginning April, the government will be giving “poor households” free use of internet for thirty minutes daily. These households are those which earn less than RM3,000 a month and are already registered for BR1M assistance scheme. How this is possible to implement, I do not know. And will it really help these so-called poor households […]
Ronaldo’s Damaged Ferrari To Be Sold On eBay
Footballer Ronaldo’s Ferrari which he crashed near Manchester airport in 2009, will be sold on eBay. The new owners, who listed it on eBay previously, and had bids reaching €125,000, were forced to withdraw the sale after eBay wanted authentication of the car ownership. Now, lawyers for the new owners said they have submitted all […]
Home Loan
I have been checking home loans offered by various local banks and they are all offering a standard BLR minus 2.2, unless one takes out a loan on shorter term, or a smaller amount. For a house selling at RM300,000 and if one were to take up about 70% loan, it would be a monthly […]
Learn Guitar
My sister, who has started to pick up the guitar again, has asked for my opinion. She said she would like to one day buy takamine guitar but wanted to know if she should get it now to motivate herself to play the guitar. You see, many years ago, my sister was sent to guitar […]