Kate Middleton had her first official assignment as the wife of Prince William welcoming the Obamas in Britain. The world was watching and half the world wanted the dress that she wore. Their eagerness crashed the website of the designer’s online store and if you thought that these buyers were buying the dresses for themselves, […]
Cash Advance For Credit Card Holders
I received a call from Maybank a couple of days ago and I was offered credit advance, which is only for credit card holders, but comes with a lower interest rate. According to the lady, I qualify to withdraw minimum RM3000 and maximum 70% of my balance in my Maybank account. And I don’t have […]
Shopping For A Gift
When I was in the capital city last week, I spent one whole afternoon looking for a gift for a new friend. I wanted to get a sports related gift, and I found hockey and . The hockey gifts were very appropriate actually, but I decided to get something else in the end. Shopping for […]
Phishing Email Scam On The Rise In Malaysia
It’s scary to read about the many cases of email phishing scam that have been popping up in the papers recently. While we know not to open emails that seem to come from our banks and never to click on any of the links that are in such emails, even if they are legit emails, […]
Comparing Wrinkles
I met my 50+ year old friend the other day for the first time. It’s kind of weird that although we have known each other for almost ten years now, we have never met. My family members have me him before, even though he is my friend, not theirs. LOL My friend was surprised at […]
I met a new friend recently and we were talking about education. He asked me if I went to college and I said no. I feel ashamed about that fact, and it is a chip on my shoulder even though I wouldn’t be using my college education now. He told me that self-education is more […]
Losing Body Fat
I attended a sports tournament recently and food was served for media representatives. Each meal time, people would say that I’m too skinny. Actually, they just didn’t notice my body fat. I have been trying to lose some of the fat; there’s no use carrying extra weight around. When I told my friend that I […]