According to a survey commissioned by MasterCard, 54% of Asian consumers are still weary of shopping online mainly because they are unsure how secure an online store is. They are right to be weary. The recent massive hack to Sony’s PlayStation Network where almost 100 million accounts were compromised with a good fraction had their […]
Stepping Up Another Level In Business
A friend, who runs an architecture and construction firm, told me that he has just relocated his office. He said business is slack and he is afraid that soon, he may have to operate from home. While he is not the first business to downsize like this, he should be more proactive in looking for […]
Osama Memorabilia Flying Off Shelves
This is pretty unexpected, at least for me. Since the announcement by US President Barack Obama that the United States finally ambushed and killed terrorist Osama bin Laden, after almost ten years, enterprising folks have been creating various Osama bin Laden memorabilia, celebrating victory over terror, and selling them both online and in stores. Some […]
Compare Price Of Laser Toner
When I was looking for a printer to replace my old printer a few months ago, I couldn’t decide on the brand or the model to buy. I know that I want a reputable brand, I want a printer that could print in color and obviously, cheap. After searching a few stores, I finally discussed […]
Royal Wedding Of The Century Boosted eBay Sales
How many of you are suffering from post royal wedding depression? I know I am. SIGH…. Well, the good news is, I am not alone. Thanks to the royal wedding, eBay sellers, especially those in the United Kingdom, have been doing brisk sales from wedding dresses to banners and buntings. However, there are also anti-royalists […]
Killing Boredom On The Move
I’ve been on the move a lot for the past 1.5 years thanks to my work. Traveling alone and living out of a suitcase could be boring and tiresome but thanks to , I’ve enjoyed going to new places a lot more now. I am on the verge of getting addicted to the game, I […]
3% Credit Card Fee
The other day, I wanted to buy an electronic device and I wanted to buy with credit card because of credit card loyalty points. However, the salesman told me that he has to charge me 3% for the transaction and that all the electronic shops at the shopping mall are charging the same. Well, there […]