My cousin told me that he is branching out on his own. He used to work for his father and later, when he set up his own company, he shared an office with his dad. Now that he is quite successful and it’s time to expand his business, he is moving as he requires a […]
New Maybank Security Measure
For weeks, Maybank has announced that a new security measure will be rolled out to deter phishing. I was looking forward to it and at the same time, I was afraid that it would be more trouble than it is worth. This morning, when I logged into, I came across a notice requesting for […] Secret Savings Code
With the release of iPad 2, I read with excitement that the price of first generation iPad has fallen. I would like to buy a tablet for my parents because it is easier to use than a computer, you see, but the prices of tablets are still very expensive. I also suggested to my friend […]
Elizabeth Taylor Jewelry For Auction
Elizabeth Taylor passed away earlier this week. I read in the papers that she has left the bulk of her wealth to charity, in particular AIDS charities, including her own Elizabeth Taylor AIDS Foundation. Those of us who follow the stories of this Hollywood icon know how much energy she spent on these causes. According […]
Elizabeth Taylor Dies
Elizabeth Taylor passed away earlier today, at the age of 79, after battling with a slew of health issues all her life. In recent years, Elizabeth Taylor (she hated being called Liz) spent most of her time at home, in a wheelchair. With her passing, I am betting that a lot of “semi-fans” would be […]
Running Low On Memory
It’s funny. When I was using my old digital camera, I was always running low on memory because I like to shoot a lot of photos and videos. I said to myself that i don’t want to upgrade my memory card until I have upgraded my camera, so that I know exactly what I need. […]
Strike Off A Registered Company
I recently read in the papers that we can now apply to strike off our registered company and we would have to pay RM120 fee only but when I called up a company secretary to ask if he can do it for me and how much he is charging, he said he’s charging RM1200! Imagine […]