An old friend told me that she has just subscribed to a new health insurance policy. I have also wanted to upgrade my health insurance, actually, so I was very interested to know what her new offers so that I can compare and make a better decision on what to get. I currently have basic […]
Justin Bieber Melbourne Concert Tickets On eBay
Justin Bieber, a daily called him the “singing foetus”, continues to make waves among tweens. Well, pity the parents who have Justin Bieber fans among the kids. Looks like it’s not going to be easy, especially if they are living in Australia and are waiting for Justin Bieber’s concert. Justin Bieber’s Melbourne concert tickets are […]
No More Minimum Purchase For Debit / Credit Cards
I read in the papers a couple of days ago that credit card issuers are trying to stop retailers from imposing a minimum spend on cards. I have personally come across many retailers who would only accept payment by credit or debit cards if we buy at least RM30 or RM50 worth of goods. I […]
4inkjets Coupon Code
I told a friend that I am very unhappy PC Fair will only be in my hometown in late May. That means I will have to wait two months to buy cheap ink. I’m just afraid that my printer can’t wait. You can imagine that I am trying to avoid printing, until closer to PC […]
5 Jeffrey Archer-Autographed Books On eBay For Charity
British author has autographed five hardback copies of his bestselling book, Only Time Will Tell, which are being auctioned off on eBay India right now, in the name of charity. eBay India is collaborating with Macmillan India for this charity. Proceeds from the sale of these five books go to “Room to Read India”, a […]
PrintPlace Coupon Codes
I have a friend who offers event support services. He showed me his newly printed brochure the other day and I was quite unwilling to point out to him grammatical errors that riddled his brochure! He said that it was a rush job but I don’t think that’s an acceptable excuse. The reason I didn’t […]
Selling Ex-Boyfriend’s Clothes On eBay
Recently, there has been a hot news item on an eBay seller who has “dumped” all her ex-boyfriend’s clothes, shoes and other apparel on eBay. While this is not new, her method of selling them is definitely new, at least on eBay. I can say that she’s skirting on the edge with eBay’s policy but […]