Buy cheap Viagra online My goodness! Just now while I was changing the template of one of my blogs and double checking this blog to make sure that I did not miss out any fancy buttons, I realised that I did not maximize my Google AdSense opportunities on this blog. Ah, to think that I […]
Promoting Porn
One of the marketplaces that I am a member of, which used to be ruled by plastic surgery sites, have now been ruled by casinos and lately, porn. I think that this should not be allowed even if we are all adults. There is no button to flag their posts, at least none that I […]
All Slots Booked For December
Yippie!!!!!!!! I am so happy to receive an email yesterday from NuffNang informing me that I have an incoming advertiser for the last week of December. I really wanted that spot sold since I don’t have the chance on other blogs but more importantly, this latest reservation means that my NuffNang spot on this blog […]
Blogging With iPhone
I am blogging with my iPhone now because I need to practise typing on the touch screen keypad but I end up getting more typo errors than it is worth. It takes up so much time just to type out a simple text like this and I had to keep correcting my mistakes. I watched […]
Networking & Comments
Buy cheap Viagra online A couple of weeks ago, I received a tremendous amount of traffic for one of my posts. I told a friend of mine that the comment count certainly did not reflect the unique visitors I received that day and I was rather disappointed. This friend, a prominent local blogger, told me […]
Blogging For Sample
Buy cheap Viagra online This morning, I was blog hopping and came across a couple of blogs where the bloggers get to try out consumer products and then they get to review them on their blogs. I think this is a very neat idea but then it is hard to come by such opportunities in […]
Colourful Sidebar
My sidebar is so colourful now with all the flashing ads. Too bad I can’t check out who my sponsors are or else I would be involved in click fraud. Anyway, I have been exploring new ways to monetize my blogs and check out various home based business opportunities. So far I have yet to […]