You would be surprised that in this brand conscious world, there are many people who love to buy replica products. This is what my friend told me from his experience selling replica watches and sunglasses online. Of course, the main reason would be the affordable prices of replicas which is only a fraction of genuine […]
Which Digital Camera To Buy?
Some of you know that I am on the market for a good digital camera. I have been using my friend’s very powerful Olympus for three months now. I think I have been so impressed with it that I am not going to be satisfied with one that is not as good. The thing is […]
Furniture Shopping
Earlier today, I went shopping for furniture with my friend. Like you know, I have been looking for office furniture for ages while my friend is looking for outdoor furniture. Meanwhile, my parents asked me to look out for living room furniture. Ah… I know I have TASTE but shopping for so many things all […]
Hassle-free Online Shopping
Why do people love to shop online? For me, it’s hassle-free and the extra savings I can get shopping with coupons, promo codes and special deals. I love to buy smaller items that would not cost me too much shipping fee but there are even people who buy large, heavy or bulky items online like […]
Not Sexy At All
I received a few emails from Victoria’s Secret [VS] promoting their new range of bras called BioFit Uplift bra. Here’s a screenshot of it. What do you think? This may be able to give us all the curves externally but NOT SEXY LAH! Not sexy at all! Why can’t they make something that is comfortable […]
Veriuniâ„¢ Natural Cleaning Solutions
Buy cheap Viagra online This afternoon, I read an article that most of us unwittingly keep bottles of chemicals at home that may cause harm to us, our family and pets. Come to think of it, I myself have bottles and bottles of washing detergent for cleaning the home. I remember a friend telling me […]
Savings On Medical Supplies
I was surfing the internet when I remembered that I was supposed to help a friend look for information and prices on certain medical supplies Buy cheap Viagra online . Well, I don’t mind helping him to look for information. I was introduced to Allegro Medical a couple of months ago and I decided to […]