At a recent old girls’ gathering in conjunction with Chinese New Year where many of my friends are back to visit their families, a friend commented that my face has cleared of acne, not completely but much improved from our school days. It is true and I am glad that the difference is significant enough […]
Good Skin, Bad Skin
I thought that I have bad skin and I suffer from too many spots and blackheads. I went for a facial on Sunday and asked my beauty therapist Buy cheap Viagra online how to get rid of blackheads and whiteheads because I have too many, especially on my nose. I was surprised when she told […]
Effective Acne Treatment
I met up with a friend over last weekend and she told me my complexion actually looks clearer. She asked if I had acne treatment. Actually, I am no longer on any treatment though I was the past couple of months ago. Guess my complexion has benefitted from that! You know, it’s funny that when […]
Skin Care Treatment
I told a friend that I giving up on my skin after spending a small fortune on skin care products that actually made my skin condition worse, so much so that I had to consult a doctor. My friend told me that I still have another option; skincare treatments like those offered by an Buy […]
Colon Cleansing For Healthier Complexion
A friend read about my acne problems lately and how I even had to consult a doctor, not so much to treat my skin but just for a course of antibiotics to keep infection down. Stress plays a part in my bad skin, I know, but my friend suggested that I try colon cleansing in […]
Beauty Products For Expectant Mothers
Most of my friends are already mothers or mothers-to-be. Every time I tell them of my skincare problems, they laughingly tell me that I should see the hormonal havoc when I am expecting a baby! I have the freedom to try any skincare or beauty products that promises radiant complexion. Mothers-to-be are not as lucky […]
Clinique 3-Step Skin Care System Coupon
Many of my friends swear by Clinique. They say that Clinique has the bets products for Asian skin. Well, I have no idea about that because I don’t use too many brand names to be able to make a conclusive comparison. In any case, I am too cheap to spend a few hundred bucks on […]