If you noticed, I hardly ever write any personal post on this blog. That’s because this is not a personal lifestyle blog. But these past couple of days, I have been mentally distressed. I could not sleep and spent two nights online searching for a post that I published on this blog and which I […]
Going All Out Link Building
I just checked the Google Page Rank Predictor and it seems that my blog will remain a Page Rank of Three. I know, it may not be accurate at all, but I definitely can’t afford to have a Three AGAIN! Please help me boost my backlinks in time for the upcoming Google Page Rank update. […]
Is Your Website or Blog Mobile Ready?
Many people have been asking this question. I recently read that mobile browsing is now very popular in the United States. For every computer, there are about three or four mobile phones that are internet enabled. Can you see the potential of serving mobile browsers? I can. Well, as you may know, I recently indulged […]
FHA Daily
I just stumbled upon a blog called FHA Daily which is like an information and news site for FHA and HUD home loans. This is a blog that everyone with a home loan or am thinking of taking out one should bookmark and visit daily. And if you are thinking to refinance your FHA mortgage, […]
The Art Of Replying To Comments
For the past two weeks, I have been visiting many blogs and leaving comments. Most of the blogs visited have implemented Do Follow so leaving a comment is an incentive, but it definitely is not the sole purpose. Reading all the various blogs, I have been exposed to the daily problems of the life of […]
Communicating With Blogs
Many businesses still do not have blogs but I feel that every business should have a business blog whether the business is big or small and whatever age groups their customers are from. From my experience, I have managed to convert quite a few blog readers into Buyers. Maybe they like the way I do […]
Blogging For Self Or Others
When I first started blogging, back in December, 2005, I did not have much to write although I tried to publish a post a day. I did not even make any effort to put my link out or make friends with fellow bloggers. My blog was started as an avenue for my Buyers to receive […]