My friend told me that she would like to bring her health supplement business online to introduce more people to her products. Granted, she is passionate about her products and their effectiveness but her idea is not so much to expand her business Buy cheap Viagra online but to allow more people the chance to […]
Business & Marketing
Online Business Ideas
A friend was asking if I could provide her with a few ideas on the kind of online business she should start. I think I have emphasized often enough that one should only be involved in a product that one is passionate about. This friend says that if that is the case, she could sell […]
Starting A Brick-n-Mortar Business
Even in these bleak economic times, a friend is starting a business. I sometimes accompany him run errands by procuring hardware and equipment for his store whilst he waits for stocks to arrive at his newly rented office. My friend told me that while many businesses are moving to smaller places or even to homes, […]
Recommend Me Something Similar
Buy cheap Viagra online As an online shopper, there are times when I need to write in to the online retailer to ask for clarification on certain products. This week, I wrote in to an online pet supplies store and ask them to clarify the shoe size that I would require for my dog. After […]
Incorporating An Offshore Company
Last month, I accompanied a friend to a business meeting. I can’t go into details but let’s just say that it’s a multi-million dollar business where my friend, who will be receiving the money for services rendered, proposed to park the money in a Hong Kong bank account. The other party wanted to know how […]
Managing Accounts Receivables
Did you read the news recently where two sisters, who are in their teens, were terrorized by loan sharks, who used dirty tactics to try to Buy cheap Viagra online scare their father to settle his loans? While I think that the father is irresponsible for putting his daughters at risk by taking out a […]
Philippine Company Online Directory
My friend, Dennis, was recently sent to the Philippines by his father to set up a company. Our mutual friends were rather surprised that the father would allow Dennis, his only child, to venture to a foreign country alone, especially to the Philippines which is not as politically stable as Malaysia. However, Dennis sees this […]