I decided to close my account after much consideration. I don’t think I will have spare cash to invest in American stocks anymore since I have decided that it is more viable to invest in property. As I understand it, I would be charged US$40 every quarter if I do not have US$10,000 in my […]
Personal Finance
New Public Bank Savings Plan
I received a phone call from Public Bank Ipoh Garden this evening and the lady asked if I could go to her office as she wanted to introduce a new savings plan to me as I have a savings account with Public Bank and she said that the new plan would earn me higher interest. […]
3-Month Placement on CIMB FRIA-i Only 1.85% p.a.
Wow, I was actually waiting for today, 1st March, to roll around as I wanted to see how much CIMB will give me for my three-month FD placement on my CIMB FRIA-i Fixed Deposit. Last month, all I received was 2.35% p.a. You can say that I am pretty shocked with this low, low rate […]
Ringgit Falls
Or did the American Dollar rise? Whatever it is, it is good news for us in Malaysia the American Dollar. Just check out this screenshot which I obtained from XE.com. You know, my friend who returned from a backpack tour in Europe recently told me that the Ringgit has no value outside of Malaysia. My […]
Double Charge Credit Card
Although this never happened to me before. Perhaps I don’t use my credit card often enough and even if I used, my charges are not that high, I have more than a couple of friends who told me that their credit cards have been charged twice quite a handful of times, particularly during their vacation. […]
Standard Chartered Bank e$aver Savings Account
My friend from Kuala Lumpur told me that he saw banners promoting Standard Chartered Bank’s “highest interest rates savings account”. Hhmm I did not see anything like that probably because Standard Chartered only has a small presence here in Ipoh. Well, I know that they would have some conditions but 3.5% per annum is really […]
USD Strengthened Against MYR
I am glad to note that this morning, the US Dollar strengthened a little against the Ringgit, staying at 3.63546 to a Dollar at the time I checked this morning. I hope it will continue to stay at this level or move a little higher. I just deposited a US check into my CIMB account […]