It is funny how many of us fall for the marketing gimmick of “Buy One, Free One”. However, did you know that while we, locals, may understand what it means, foreigners may not? When you free one, it means that you are letting something go. However, if you would like to give a second unit […]
Mystery Shopping At An Ice Cream Parlour
Buy cheap Viagra online One of the things I hate about living in my city, although the cost is considerably lower, is that I lose out on a lot of amazing opportunities. I received an email which reminded me of my disadvantage a couple of days ago. I was actually invited to be a mystery […]
For A Good Night’s Rest
When a friend heard that I wasn’t sleeping well at night, he recommended me the mediflow pillow. He does not know the reason why I am not sleeping well. Normally, I could sleep as soon as my head hit my pillow but lately, there have been a lot of problems brewing at home and at […]
Ultimate Colon Cleansing Formula
My friend, Samm, swears by colon cleansing. She said that the reason I have bad skin is because I have toxins in my body which she said she could be able to help me but no way am I going to take up her offer! However, I do believe that part of the problems I […]
Distinguishing Imitations From Genuine Products
Online traders are getting bolder and bolder in selling imitations and PASSING THEM OFF AS GENUINE. It is not wrong to sell replicas but it IS wrong to sell unlicensed imitations and passing them off as genuine items and selling at a premium. People who have bought a genuine item before would be able to […]
Zooming In On A Digital Camera
This is probably old news. From my old blog to my new blog, I have been hankering for a new digital camera. I am an etrader and really need a good digital camera to portray my products because etraders like me only have the chance to showcase our products via pictures and text. With quality […]
Comeback of The Bean Bag Chairs
I remember a time when Bean Bags Buy cheap Viagra online were all the rage and one could see them all over furniture stores in town and it was hard to find a house that does not have at least one bean bag. I think it was very popular because it fun and yet comfortable […]